Chinese Ceramic Artist

景德鎮青塘山房的主人王健,是一名製瓷職人,在他眼中,單色釉瓷器的創作,是宋代人極簡美學的體現:簡單、樸素、內斂。2015年,王健在景德鎮的一個國營瓷廠找到了一塊地,開始造園築家。兩年後,他帶著自己制作的瓷器,和妻兒一起,搬進這座“青塘山房”的園林住宅裏,過起了中國古人般的雅致生活。 Wang Jian, the owner of Qingtang Shanfang, Jingdezhen, is a porcelain maker. He believes that monochrome glaze porcelain is the manifesto of Song minimalism aesthetics: simple and reserved. In 2015, Wang Jian found a slot in a state-owned porcelain plant and transformed it into a garden. Two years later, he moved into this garden house “Qingtang Shanfang” with his porcelains and his family. Now they live tastefully like ancient Chinese people.